This is where I keep alllllllllll my lyrics, poems, and other written rants to share with allllllllllllllll of yous!!!!!
Shakezula's Articles In Home Improvement
August 14, 2005 by Shakezula Choose from a wonderful array of great art from this emerging artist. Sara Holt’s canvases are filled with bold, sensuous color. Her compositions possess spontaneity, as if she has captured her figures at an unstudied moment, improvising their state of mind with asymmetrical placement on the canvas and unexpected dashes of color. Her painterly style conveys a lush sense of abundance; the emotional content of her paintings is made almost explicit by these thick ...
August 14, 2005 by Shakezula Choose from a wonderful array of great art from this emerging artist. Sara Holt’s canvases are filled with bold, sensuous color. Her compositions possess spontaneity, as if she has captured her figures at an unstudied moment, improvising their state of mind with asymmetrical placement on the canvas and unexpected dashes of color. Her painterly style conveys a lush sense of abundance; the emotional content of her paintings is made almost explicit by these thick ...