This is where I keep alllllllllll my lyrics, poems, and other written rants to share with allllllllllllllll of yous!!!!!
Art and Life
Published on August 25, 2005 By Shakezula In Living in Cyberspace
Come on over and check out the art. Stop and smell the art!!!
on Aug 25, 2005
on Aug 25, 2005
Is that Marley or Crosby, I can't make out?
on Aug 25, 2005

Sort of a Bob Marley theme there... is there more to come?

on Aug 25, 2005
that is Bob Marley, thanks for lookin'!!!!!!
on Aug 25, 2005
yes, I'm doing a Bob Marley series......I've painted two and sold them, the third will be created soon....working on it as we speak....