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The war in Iraq
Published on January 5, 2005 By Shakezula In History
It's interesting to imagine what this slain civil rights leader and 20th Century Icon would be saying if he were alive in today's climate. Maybe everyone in Washington and around the globe should stop and think about that on Jan. 17th when we celebrate his birthday. he wouldn't be standing silently on the sidelines of that we can be sure.
on Jan 05, 2005
Is the Vietnam war not over?
on Jan 05, 2005
I mean, the Iraq war.
on Jan 09, 2005
Your link's broken.

What do you feel that the Reverend would say about this war? I have problems deciding definitively what any person's opinions are, until I hear them from them myself. Obviously out of the question in this case.
At the least, can you point towards quotes from him that might reflect how he would feel?