This is where I keep alllllllllll my lyrics, poems, and other written rants to share with allllllllllllllll of yous!!!!!
Two Cabarellos/Part One..Part 2...comes tomorrow!!!!!
Published on January 4, 2005 By Shakezula In TV Shows
We fade in on Gob in the kitchen of the model home as he tops off a single slice of pizza he bought himself with the rest of the ingredients he'd saved for this pizza......magic mushrooms, but before Gob can munch it down Michael enters the kitchen and begins another lecture fest on Gob and his forever freeloading from Michael. To make his point he picks up the pizza and shoves it in his mouth at the end of his speech. Gob, caught offguard by the act and not wanting to admit that he was about to ingest a highly potent mix of hippie mushrooms, lets Michael eat the whole piece without a warning. As the day goes on, Michael finds himself noticing things he'd never noticed before and Gob finds himself noticing that this would be the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with Michael in Tijuana. For several weeks Gob had been trying to get Michael to go across the border with him and scope out a new magic trick that he was anxious to introduce as his own in the states. Until today, Michael was resistant to this idea, but when asked under the influence of Gob's magic pizza Michael said,"Uh, yeah!"
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